re:union > letterboxd
three pixelated overlapped circles in a line

initial release : 2011

type: social media

downloaded: 2019

written : march 1, 2023

official definition

letterboxd is a social media website and app that is focused on sharing opinions of film. it was co-founded by matthew buchanan and karl von randow and maintained by a team in new zealand. the site was invite-only until it became public in 2013. members log films based on date, a rating out of five stars, and a review. additional features detail if the member “loved” the movie, if they’ve seen it before, and if the review contains a spoiler. members can also add films to their watchlist and create lists with films, along with following and interacting with other member’s reviews. letterboxd offers a tiered structure, based on subscription plans with memberships and additional features like picking the movie poster in your review.

5/5 stars

i downloaded letterboxd the same month i started my undergraduate in design. i love this app for so many reasons. first is that i love logging everything. like i mentioned in my bereal entry—i love a gold star. similar to spotify, letterboxd gives you a year in review of how many movies you’ve logged, reviewed, and your most watched actor and director. personalized statistics are so fun. second is that it really motivates me to watch more films. i am 100% guilty of forcing myself to watch a movie rather than three tv episodes because it allows me to log and make myself look more interesting as a person. third, i feel a lot more cultured and connected. this garden is about digital communication, and letterboxd is definitely social. i’ve gotten so many people on letterboxd, and it is my first question to ask once i find out someone likes movies. there are some genuine thoughtful reviews on the app i guess, but most are just jokes and jabs at the movie, which is so much more fun. letterboxd also features films that are most popular, which helps remind me of the new releases when they aren’t being promoted on the other social media platforms i use.

this happened to my buddy eric

letterboxd is filled with a bunch of weirdos—which is what makes it so fun. because it is so niche, everyone there kind of exists within the same subcultures and shares the same interests. it is the birthplace of the now-viral “this happened to my buddy eric” joker (2019) review and making fun of the film-bro and “bisexual anarchist” stereotypes on the app. there’s definitely some pressure to make sure your response is funny, but it’s also a free place for me to rate jimmy neutron: boy genius (2001) four stars out of five just because it made me laugh.